Younger, Nerdier Founders

Category: By AG
I smirk as I read this Paul Graham's essay on the future of web startups. He writes:
...founders can start them [startups] younger, when it's rational to take more risk, and can start more startups total in their careers...
This reminded me of my first business plan which I had prepared just after my higher secondary schooling, which I tried selling to any and all VCs and angel investors around the globe..from Fidelity, Garage to my dad and brother-in-law. It was a complete plan detailing the revenue model, parties involved, the split up of the fund requested, rough estimates on break-even point and much more. I had even registered a domain name, parked at Net4Domains! But, as you know now, the plan was not funded. But I had so worked on it!! It was so much fun :) If theres anytime I want to go back in my life..its this time. It was so much fun exploring and testing the was during these times I started writing for foreign publications, and doing crazy things like thinking of starting a startup!

Well, I don't think its too late to revisit the plan and rewrite it, I might get lucky this time :) Or may be seed fund would be enough this time. Of course, this time it would be much more fun and that too serious fun! :)

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