rmmod redhat || rmmod -f redhat

Category: By AG
August 16, 2006 (forgot to publish it ;))

Today it took unusually short time for me to paddle up two miles from my apartment to my office (or atleast I felt so). The last day of summer internship here at Red Hat and just a little more than one year in US made me recollect the entire year that just passed by.

The summer was particularly awesome...and I enjoyed doing things more than anything else in my entire year that just passed. I mostly ended up hacking NFS - fixing bugs and adding trivial features, plus upstream changes to the NFS user-space tools. Also I was involved in a cross-functional intern project chalking out future investment plan for BRIC countries for Red Hat. This work was a good exercise of market research and business planning which I did sometime back, and allowed me to interact with almost all the VPs in the company.

Most importantly it was a wonderful experience to meet very very talented people in this field.

All in all, a great motivating summer. Courtesy Red Hat, Inc. :D

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