Bring'em on!

13th May 2006 - 10.30 AM

I completely failed to understand one of my friend's post. I firmly beleive that nature *does* conspire to help you achieve things you earnestly long for, provided you put in your hardwork. I beleive that sincere efforts can surely make things impossible plausible (if not possible).

I have some time to kill here at the KCI airport, while I wait for my flight to Boston. I was just dropped by my school shuttle here. Exams were good, not a big deal at all. Sometimes I feel like double-checking if I'm taking graduate courses or undergraduate ones ;) This semester was a hurried one...more swifter than the one before. Most of time was consumed in exploring some new areas, interviews for internship, projects and in finalizing a paper on one of my projects, which I completed last semester. Its on peer-to-peer networks, titled "A Scalable Search Algorithm for Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks", got accepted at PDPTA'06.

As the name suggests, it talks about a technique to scale the search in Gnutella-like P2P networks. As the network size shrinks and grows the search algorithm adapts itself dynamically and controls the level of flooding (the number of nodes to which a query is passed). It directly influences the number of messages passed for a query and time required to reach the target node (node, which could satisfy a query). The results are as anticipated and our (me and my two professors) algorithms perform good on both - the number of messages required for a query and amount of time required to satisfy a query (either successfully or otherwise). I had a lot to learn out of this project. I won't be presenting the paper for the lack of funding for attending the conference :( The paper is available here (will be linked off here, once the paper is ready to go public).

Other things that I was working on in the spring semester is still in its nascent stages. It involves more of Machine Learning than of anything else. Will continue to work on that over the summer. I also managed to do an article ( which I regret for not doing often, given that it doesn't take me long to do :( ) for a magazine (EZ) which is my regular customer.

I'm excited to have an experience of US corporate culture. Given that even Indian companies now offer quiet a liberty and flexibility in work, I'm afraid if it would be any different in the US (if at all). Especially in the corporate area where I'II be working, where sandal and pony tail is apparently known to be a trademark, I shouldn't find it too restrictive.

Will be heading for Raleigh, NC for orientation for new hires at Red Hat and will be starting my work on Wednesday. I'm excited to be surrounded by all the kernel developers. Hopefully will have a lot to learn. I'm ready for the plunge!!

2 comments so far.

  1. AG 9:39 PM, May 16, 2006
    Thanks man! I hope too ;)
  2. Tushar 1:59 AM, May 18, 2006
    Sad to know that u are not going to LA for the paper presentation! I have a friend there with whom you could have stayed:(... Please not e his name in case u change your mind...Andre Agassi:D

Something to say?