Start anything you like

Argh, my experience with this OS is getting worst-err and worst-err. A local bank ATM network uses some version of it (heaven-knows-why). Couple of days back I was taking out cash and oh gosh, that blue screen again! I just hate seeing it! And what next? The machine gulped my card...thats it. Half cash out, half in....and card in as well.

I don't understand why people use / believe such systems. It doesn't stand steady on dekstops, hows it gonna hold on systems like ATMs. Wrote a long note in the ATM suggestion book. Hope someone understand it.

So, its like start anything you like except that, that, that, that, ........, and that. Ha!

There'II come one day, when everything around will be easy to use, stable and open source! Amen!

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